St. Louis Top City for Female Entrepreneurs

Here’s a fun fact: St. Louis has the highest percentage of female entrepreneurs of any major city in the U.S.

Seek Capital did an analysis based on data from the most recent U.S. Census Bureau Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs (ASE). Of the 50 most populous metropolitan areas in the U.S., St. Louis came in first in terms of percentage of startups that are female-owned.

For the purpose of the analysis, “startup” was defined as any firm with less than two years in business. Ownership was defined as having 51 percent or more of the stock or equity in the business. Equally male-/female-owned firms were not counted as female-owned.

An impressive 45.2% of startups in St. Louis are owned by women, compared to 24.5% nationwide.

Read the full article in Forbes.

Source: WashU FUSE


By Kelli Delfosse
Kelli Delfosse